
Terre Du Levant ©

-> Documentations

Compétence Attaquer par surprise

Description of competency Attack by surprise:

The Attack by surprise skill allows you to try to attack a creature by surprise in the vicinity of the character, then to withdraw, without possibility for it to retaliate.

The probability of success depends directly on the character?s Dexterity score, his or her proficiency and the difference between his or her level and that of the creature.

It will therefore be easier to attack a Kobold by surprise than a werewolf, for example.

The success of the Attack by surprise action can be partial or total (very largely successful).

Partial success: the character does not manage to attack by surprise, but withdraws quickly enough for the creature to attack in retaliation.

Total success: the character succeeds in attacking the creature by surprise. The latter suffers its attacks without the possibility of retaliating.

Failure: the character fails to attack the creature and a fight is engaged if necessary.

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